Re. Income Verification Letter for the Approval of Bank House Loan w.r.t. CES House Loans
Dear [NAME], this letter references the income verification of Mr./Ms. [NAME]. It has been confirmed by the Department of Accounts and the Department of Human Resources that Mr. [NAME] has been a permanent employee of [NAME THE COMPANY] as an [DESIGNATION] under ST-[x] since 20xx. He/she joined the company as a [designation] under ST-[x] and was later promoted to ST-[x] as a [designation].
He/She is paid USD [X] monthly wherein his/her gross salary is USD [X] and the incentives are also paid according to the pay scale. Mr./Ms. [NAME] has been one of the competent employees and keeps an eminent position in the company. He/she is regarded as one of the co-founders of the fund-raising campaign at the DSH Forum.
We approve the statement of Mr./Ms. [NAME] and verify the validation of his/her employment. Moreover, our company has no intention of losing Mr./Ms. [NAME] given the benchmarks of his/her job’s profile. Given that, I provide my profile as a reference for the approval of the loan asked w.r.t CES House Loans, Phase-III. You can contact me in case of any further information regarding the validation of mentioned statements. For your convenience and official purposes, I have added an image of our payroll highlighting Mr./Ms. [NAME] as a permanent employee of our company.
Thank you.

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Re. Income Verification Letter
Dear [NAME],
I am an [DESIGNATION] in your company and I have been working in this company since 20XX. My cadre was changed from ST-[X] to ST-[X] as can be seen in the documents attached. I joined the company in 20XX and started my career as a [POSITION]. Later, fortunately, with the help of your kind guidance and my untiring efforts, I was able to secure a position as an [DESIGNATION] in the company.
I applied for a bank loan for the medical treatment of my mother. My mother has been suffering from Decompensated Cirrhotic Liver that requires a liver transplant as soon as possible. As the organ transplant is one of the most expensive treatments, I cannot do it with my salary or any other little assistance. Therefore, I believe, borrowing the amount for the treatment from the bank as a loan can be the best and empirical idea.
For the approval of my loan application, bank authorities require an official verification letter verifying my employment and salary. They have to look into my professional profile to have an idea if I am capable of repaying the loan. I request you to draft an income verification letter for the bank to assist my bank loan approval. For any further please reach out at [PHONE] or [EMAIL]. I shall be grateful in this case. I am looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you.

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